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Domain extension .TV

.TV is a top level domain that is extremely popular with multimedia websites. It is the official extension for the island of Tuvalu, however, for obvious reasons, most people relate the domain extension to television. The domain can be registered for use by any business, organization or individual irrespective of their geographic location. Even though the extension is generally meant for multimedia and video related websites, it can also be used for any other general purpose.  

Why .TV?

  • .TV is a popular domain extension for multimedia websites.
  • .TV can be used to launch personalized online TV channels through the internet.
  • .TV can help you get exposure for your brand new video website.
  • .TV is globally recognized and is easy to remember.
  • Safeguard your brand by not letting any cyber squatters or competitors hi jack its popularity by registering your .TV domain.
  Due to registry restrictions, .TV domains cannot be transferred between registrars. Get yourself a .TV domain and get recognized around the world as a powerful media outlet. A .TV domain can give your site a unique identity by telling your visitors what to expect from your site and gain instant popularity in the tough and challenging world of multimedia and video distribution. Register for a .TV domain today and stand out from the crowd.

If it has a Play button, it's made for .TV.
