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Domain extension .BERLIN

One of the great European city destinations - .BERLIN is now available as a domain extension. Do you have a business in Berlin or offer travel to Berlin? This great extension is very suitable. Berlin is one of the most popular cities in Germany. It is a centre of industrialization in Germany. It was an iconic city even before the fall of the Berlin Wall but after that event, it became even more iconic and important. It serves as a reminder of unity to a country that has a very rich and extensive history. It is one of the main draws of the country’s tourists, investors and businessmen. High-class visitors looking to have a great leisurely time can enjoy the hospitalities of any of the city with all the luxurious five-star hotels available. Art also plays a central role in the enjoyment of the city as there are many artistic attractions throughout the city. Berlin is clearly a great pull among people looking to experience Europe and this is why the city deserves a dedicated domain extension so as to cement its place on the internet. There are no prizes for what the most suitable domain extension this would be; the .BERLIN extension is just perfect and immediately grabs the attention of the target market. One’s mind instantly springs to the sights and sounds of the great city and the user of this domain name has half of the advertisement done already just by appending this extension. So, why not become one of the very select few who get to be creative with their advertisement policy. Choose the .BERLIN extension now