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Search for your .gold domain!

Domain extension .GOLD

There’s a reason that it’s called the “Gold Standard.” Gold is the pinnacle of luxury, refinement, and even lust. For thousands of years, man’s yearning for gold has shaped history, started wars, christened marriages, and been the subject of an excellent Neil Young song. Gold is everywhere; in the media, in our financial system, and is synonymous with glamour, solidarity, riches, dreams. Your website or business can be gilded in the very same way with this bold, powerful .GOLD domain extension. If you are a distributor or collector of that shiny rock, or if you offer gold­for­cash services, the .GOLD is a simple, elegant way to make your business as luxurious as the resource itself. Some people see gold-for­cash joints as potential scams, people just looking to take their money away from them. This is just a side effect of being in the business of currency. Having .GOLD as your domain extension ensures people that they are getting the real deal, and they are not taking any risks with a random .COM. Your .GOLD website is legitimate, promising, luxurious, and will be the go-to website amongst innumerable other .COM resources. The .GOLD extension is a no­brainer for anyone in the gold industry. It elevates your name or business to the standard that the name strives for. It’s true, not all that glitters is gold. But with the .GOLD domain extension, your website will shine brighter than the rest for sure.