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Search for your .kim domain!

Domain extension .KIM

Hello and congratulations to more than 100 million people that have Kim as a surname! You can now have a domain name with your surname. How cool is that? The .KIM can be seen as one of the most unique and interesting top level domain extensions at present because it uses a very famous surname. For thousands of people around the globe with the surname “Kim”, there are a lot of possibilities that can be explored by individuals. Most of all, it is a perfect choice for personal blogs and small business websites to represent the first family of the internet. People from round the globe can register this domain as there are no regional restrictions. You may use it as the main domain for your personal or business blog or website or on the more fun side you can use it as a specialty marketing campaign to attract a huge number of people. It is definitely a lot easier to remember than most domain extensions and allows people to create family tree websites and community forums to have fun. You may even just be a massive Kim Kardashian fan, it doesn’t matter one bit. So if you’re one of those lucky people who have Kim as a surname, you can register your very own domain with your surname! There is simply nothing cooler than that.  