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Domain extension .NU

.NU - The domain extension .NU is a top level domain that is the country code for the island of Niue. It was initially used as to represent anything new as it is phonetically similar to nu. There are no restrictions on using .NU extensions. It can also be used to represent any business, organizations or individuals that conduct business in the island state of Niue or to anyone who wishes to extend their reach to the budding internet community in this region.  

Why .NU?

  • .NU can be used to promote any new products or offers or events owing to its phonetic similarity with the word new.
  • .NU is ideal to local businesses in the island state of Niue to gain global exposure.
  • You can also ensure that your competitors don't take advantage of your brand popularity by blocking your .NU domain
"Nu" means "Now" in the dutch language, therefore this domain name extension is very popular in dutch speaking countries like the Netherlands.