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Domain extension .ORG

$13.99 ~ $9.99/y
.ORG is a generic top level domain extension which is derived from organization. It was originally intended to be used for miscellaneous websites that did not belong to any other category. Websites registered under .ORG were generally non-commercial. The domain can be used by nonprofit organizations, open-source projects, personal sites, informational websites and in rare cases by commercial organizations. The domain name .ORG instills a feeling of trust and reliability in people across the globe.  

Why .ORG?

  • .ORG helps you build trust and credibility. People associate this domain with nonprofits and charitable institutions.
  • .ORG websites are well known to provide quality information that is unbiased and also highly valuable.
  • .ORG can be very beneficial if you represent a nonprofit or charitable organization by adding an edge to your fund raising efforts.
  • .ORG is recognized by a vast majority of people and can help you target the right audience for your nonprofit.
  Register your .ORG domain with FXDomains today for only $13.99/year

The .ORG domain name extension is very well suited for non-profit, blue grass or informational websites. It is THE extension that instills trust and reliability.
