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Domain extension .REVIEW

Did that Christmas bonus come in right in time for a night out at that new restaurant? Do you hop in the car, roll the dice, and spend that hard-earned cash on a couple $40 entrees? Or do you take a minute to read that review about the pet rat the chef carries around the restaurant and asks for recipes? Reviews are important, and can save you from a harrowing experience. People always read reviews before they go out - before they see a movie, before they book a room, before they make a poor dining decision. Distinguish your vital review database with the sleek, trustworthy .REVIEW domain extension. This extension has the benefit of being incredibly clear, as well as unique from other review websites. Looking for a review is all about putting your trust into wherever the review is coming from. When looking for the best movie to see this weekend, would you trust a .COM, or a .REVIEW? Make it easy for people - let them know that you are verifiable, trustworthy, and your primary goal is to harbor honest reviews and recommendations. Be the first site people check when they want the most reliable, helpful reviews, and save them from a run-in with the chef and his rat. Invest in the .REVIEW domain extension today.