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Domain extension .AT

The domain .AT domain extension is a country code top level domain that refers to Austria. The extension is not restricted except for a few subdomains such as .ac.at and .gv.at that are intended for the academic and government institutions of Austria. The extension is very popular in Austria and businesses wanting to connect with the internet user base in Austria can benefit greatly from .AT domain extensions.  

Why .AT?

  • .AT is recognized globally and is a widely accepted domain.
  • .AT can be used to get easy exposure to brands and businesses targeting the people of Austria.
  • It is easy to remember and fits into several different English words.
  • .AT helps you to easily connect with the large internet audience in Europe.
  • .AT can save your brand from being misused by cyber squatters and competitors.
  Most of the .AT domain extensions have been widely used to register phrases in English that end with at. There have been instances where at itself has been used as a word in the domain registrations such as in the case of donteat.at which is a very popular service in Foursquare. The domain does not have any additional ICANN fee.