Personalized email

FXDomains email not only gives you a personalized address but powerful protection against viruses and spam, easy-to-use tools like Calendar and Online Storage and much more. Create a unique, memorable, personalized address based on your domain! With Email, you also get powerful protection against viruses and spam, easy-to-use organizational tools like Calendar and Online Storage and much more. Choose the plan that’s right for you and find out why not all email is created equal.

Better branding and additional productivity

  • FREE Calendar†
  • FREE Online Storage†
  • FREE Webmail, including PDA/handheld & light versions
  • Mobile access, including iPhone® and Blackberry®
  • Secure 256-bit encryption
  • POP3
  • Text-mail service
  • Strong virus, spam and fraud protection
  • Desktop notifier

Also works with domain names not registered with FXDomains!

If your domain is not registered with - and you wish not to transfer the domain to us, you can still use our email plans, as long as your current domain registrar allows you to change the MX records for your domain. When you setup your email plan, you have the option to choose '3rd party domain' if this is the case.