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Search for your .date domain!

Domain extension .DATE

Looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, sometimes there are just too many places. Yeah, the dating world is tough, and huge! It’s really hard to even know where to start. There are so people, so many dating sites, many which are just too sketchy to trust, when all we want is a little bit of love. The .DATE domain extension makes it easy for people to find in a sea of questionable dating websites and potentially awkward first dates. It’s straightforward, to the point, and acts as a safe hub for those who are just looking for someone special in this crazy world. .DATE is simple, catchy, and allows your site to pop up before others when searching the web for a legitimate dating site. By adding the extension you will see your traffic activity improve, and watch your site trend more than other dating .COMs do. That’s because .DATE is memorable, trustworthy, and smooth, probably unlike that last .COM match. . . The .DATE is an investment for your site’s future, and will help you stand out amongst the crowd for years to come. It’s great for advertisements, and catchy by word of mouth. There are lot of fish in the sea but wouldn’t it be nice if people knew where to find the good ones? Help them light their fire with the .DATE domain extension.