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Domain extension .EU

.EU is a country code top level domain that represents the European Union. This domain can be used by any business organization or individuals residing in any of the states belonging to the European Union only. Foreign national can also register a .EU domain if they have any registered office or established place of business inside the European Union.  

Why .EU?

  • .EU is ideal for businesses, organizations and individuals that cater to the European community.
  • .EU is recognized worldwide and gives your business or website a European identity.
  • .EU helps you propagate your morals and values as a European.
  • .EU is ideal for local businesses within the European Union.
  • You can also use it to safeguard your business from misuse by cyber squatters or any other competitors.
  There are no additional ICANN fees or any other charges involved with this domain. .EU is a perfect way to appeal to the wide internet user base of Europe. Share your latest family outing or just showcase your products to the world, .EU is the perfect way to show the world of your European pride while getting valuable customers for your brand.