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Domain extension .MOBI

$14.99 ~ $6.99/y
.MOBI is a top level domain name used to denote mobile websites. .MOBI is derived from the word mobile and is used by top brands across the world as an extension for their mobile websites. It is not only limited to mobile sites, it can also be used by services and products related to mobile phones and accessories.  

Why .MOBI?

  • .MOBI is recognized globally for mobile sites and is a widely accepted domain.
  • .MOBI makes it easier to cater to those customers that are always on the move.
  • It is perfect for service oriented businesses such as diners and eateries or any other business that demands instant connectivity at all times.
  • .MOBI can help you keep competitors and cyber squatters from blocking your .MOBI domain. So you can get maximum reach even from your mobile users.
  The domain is managed by mTLD global registry and its launch was sponsored and backed by several leading companies in the mobile and technology sector including Nokia, Samsung, Vodafone, Visa, Google and Microsoft. The domain was later transferred to dotMobi. .MOBI sites are regulated to produce high quality user experience and all .MOBI sites must adhere to the guidelines specified by dotMobi.