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Domain extension .SINGLES

Online dating is a booming industry with more singles joining internet portals in the attempt to find themselves a suitable match. Thanks to the Internet, singles today can easily find a partner online with the help of dating websites. The .SINGLES domain name is fresh on the dating scene and absolutely ideal for singles advice blogs, dating websites, forums, chats and activities. More people have turned to internet dating to meet people with common interests. Several popular websites dedicated to single people streamline potential dates by order of location, character, personal data, and even annual income. A .SINGLES domain provides a unique platform, helping people in the online dating world. Through a .SINGLES domain name, you can instantly invite interested people looking to find a compatible person, even their soul mate, to visit your internet portal. Set yourself apart from the rest with an oriented domain name that specifically caters to the growing audience of internet romance. If your business or passion is to help find people their significant others, or even if you’d like to share relevant information about dating, lifestyle and love, .SINGLES will bring you wider recognition. A perfect name for dating chats, blogs, forums and websites, .SINGLES domain provides a great platform to expand your reader and registered user base. Find your target audience faster and achieve a wider reach with .SINGLES domain name. Single - definition 1. only one in number; one only; unique; sole: a single example. 2. of, pertaining to, or suitable for one person only: a single room. 3. solitary or sole; lone: He was the single survivor. 4. unmarried: a single man. 5. pertaining to the unmarried state: the single life. 6. of one against one, as combat or fight. 7. consisting of only one part, element, or member: a single lens. 8. sincere and undivided: single devotion. 9. separate, particular, or distinct; individual: Every single one of you must do your best. It's the single most important thing. 10. uniform; applicable to all: a single safety code for all manufacturers. 11. (of a bed or bedclothes) twin-size. 12.(of a flower) having only one set of petals. 13. British . of standard strength or body, as ale, beer, etc. Compare double ( def 1 ) . 14. (of the eye) seeing rightly. Takes those and multiply them for .SINGLES!