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Domain extension .US

.US is a top level domain and is officially the country code for the United States of America. Those who wish to register .US as their domain extensions must be the citizens or residents of the U.S. Foreign organizations with a presence in the U.S. are also allowed to register with .US domain extensions.  

Why .US?

  • .US gives an instant recognition to the nationality of your business.
  • .US adds credibility to your business especially if you serve strictly to the U.S.
  • .US domain can help you bring out your American values in your business.
  • .US is ideal for local businesses in the U.S.
  • You can also use it to safeguard your brand from competitors and any cyber squatters.
  The .US domain was primarily being used by local governments in the US despite .US being open for registration by any individual or organization. If you target to a purely American audience, .US is the best domain for you. Register your local business with a .US domain and get recognized instantly. If you are a proud American, show it to the world. Register your .US domain today.